9 January 2019

Professor Jeremy Turnbull visits CCG

On January 13-18, 2019 Copenhagen Center for Glycomics will host Johnston Professor of Biochemistry, Jeremy E. Turnbull, from Liverpool University, UK.

photo of jerry turnbullProfessor Turnbull heads the Molecular Glycobiology Research group at University of Liverpool, which studies the molecular glycobiology of heparan sulphates (a specialized class of multi-functional glycoproteins) in health and disease, including drug discovery. Major topics of interest include the structure-activity relationships of these complex glycans; development of glycomics approaches for systems level investigation of HS glycans; their functional roles in complex biological systems; applications in stem cell biology and in drug discovery for cancer, neurodegenerative diseases and spinal cord injury. Professor Turnbull is also the lead for the Molecular Basis of Therapeutic Targeting research theme within Institute of Integrative Biology at the University of Liverpool.

Professor Turnbull will be affiliated with CCG as a guest professor to work on the GAGOme program - a cell based library of displayed glycosaminoglycans, which was described in Nature Methods in August 2018. He expects to visit CCG on a regular basis and will give a guest lecture in the spring of 2019.