17 February 2020

Exhibition in Malmö: Fighting cancer with plastic bullets

BioCapture and GlycoImaging, at Malmö University, train a new generation of chemists, physicists and biologists through a EU-wide PhD training network. Both projects work with plastic antibodies that detect cancer cells. This is similar to the "magic bullets" principle used today with biological antibodies targeting cancer cells, but the plastic antibodies are smaller and can detect cancer much earlier. They are also cheaper and easier to manufacture than the antibodies used today.

The film interviewing Richard Karlsson, is made for the exhibition "Fighting cancer with plastic bullets", at the Orkanen library 2019-2020. (Click play to view video)

The two projects are coordinated by Börje Sellergren and Anette Gjörloff Wingren, who train and tutor 19 PhD students. This exhibition highlights the interdisciplinary work of the PhD students and shows their importance for the research. This work includes CCG's PhD students, Andriana Konstantinidi, Julie van Coillie, Rebecca Nason, and Richard Karlsson. 

richard karlsson(Pictured left) CCG PhD student, Richard Karlsson with his exhibit at the Orkanen Library at Malmø University. 

The exhibit is open to the public from November 21, 2019 - April 15, 2020. 

Click here to read more about the exhibition